

accepted traffic, 477
acknowledgment flit, 67
action dimension, 410
Active Messages (AM), 454, 457
adaptive credits, 415
adaptive routing, 141, 144
adaptive routing function, 560
adaptivity, 139
all-destination encoding, 220
Alpha 21364 router, 416
applied load, 478
arbitration strategy, 9
Arctic router, 412
Ariadne, 426
asynchronous bus, 11
asynchronous replication, 232


backplane bus, 10
backtracking, 141, 144
balanced tree, 17
barrier synchronization, 212
base routing conformed path (BRCP), 249
baseline MIN, 30
baseline permutation, 27
bidirectional MIN, 30
bisection bandwidth, 361
bisection width, 361
bit reversal communication pattern, 481
bit reversal permutation, 26
bit string encoding, 220
block fault region, 293
blocking ...

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