
Accounting exposure, 411, 506. See also Translation exposure

Accounting valuation of the multinational corporation, 497501

Accounts. See Balance of payments, capital account and current account

Accounts payable, 439, 463, 481, 482, 484, 494496

Accounts receivable, 322323, 439, 444448, 45657, 494496

discounting of, 327328

Acharya, Viral, 263

Acquisition, 587, 593610

valuation as a standalone, 604

valuation of an acquisition target, 604

Ad valorem duty, 557, 694

Adjusted present value (APV), 555, 576579, 587, 591

Adler, Michael, 412, 527

Advanced (negotiated) pricing agreement, 699

Aerolinas Argentinas, 507

Agency costs, 348, 365, 366

Agency trading, 121

Aggarwal, Raj, 506

Aguas Argentinas, 618

Ahn, Mark, 527

AIG, 243244

Air Products 464

Algorithm trading, 118, 124, 127, 144

Aliber, Robert, 82

Allayanis, George, 412

Allied Lyons, 202

Alpha, 632, 636, 652, 653, 657, 658

American depositary receipt (ADR), 254, 255, 282284, 651, 663

American terms, 132

Analysis. See Break-even analysis, Costs/benefits analysis of foreign direct investment, Country risk, Multiple scenario analysis, Sensitivity analysis

Anouk, Claes, 315

Appreciation, 2829, 80, 83, 91, 112

Arbi-loan, 120, 138, 155157

Arbitrage, 120146, 150159, 194195, 206209, 222, 226, 230

interest rate, 150159

and the Law of One Price, 120, 138, 140, 141, 144, 146

spatial, 120, 138, 140, 141

trilateral, 139, 140, 144, 146

Argentina, 80, 507, 509

Arm's length finance, 341

Arm's-length transfer price, 698

Arm's ...

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