Chapter 14
Joint arrangements (IFRS 11)
1.1 The nature of joint arrangements
1.3.1.A Possible project on equity accounting
1.3.1.B Exposure Draft (ED/2011/4) – Investment Entities
2 Effective Date, Objective and Scope of IFRS 11
2.3.1 Application by venture capital organisations and similar entities
4.1 Relevant activities in a joint arrangement
4.2 Rights to control collectively
4.2.2 Potential voting rights and joint control
4.2.3 Other evidence of joint control
4.2.4 Delegated decision-making
4.2.5 Related parties and de facto agents
4.3.1 Arrangements involving passive investors
4.3.2 Ultimate voting authority
4.3.5 De facto joint control vs. joint de facto control
4.4 Other practical issues with assessing joint control
4.4.1 Lease or a joint arrangement
4.4.2 Evaluate multiple agreements together
5 Classification of a Joint Arrangement: Joint Operations and Joint Ventures
5.1.1 Joint arrangement not structured through a separate vehicle
5.1.2 Joint arrangement structured through a separate vehicle