Chapter 26
2.1 Determining whether an arrangement contains a lease
2.1.1 Identification of an asset
2.1.2 Parts of assets and the unit of account
2.1.3 The arrangement conveys a right to use the item
2.1.4 Fixed or current market prices and control of the asset
2.1.5 When to assess the arrangements
2.1.6 Separation of leases from other payments within the arrangement
2.2 Transactions that are not, in substance, leases
3.1.1 Leases and licences – IAS 17 and arrangements over intangible assets
3.2.1 Finance and operating leases
3.2.2 Determining the substance of transactions
3.2.3 Changes to lease provisions
3.3 Leases of land – finance or operating leases?
3.3.2 Measurement of operating leases over land
3.3.3 Presentation of operating leases over land
3.3.4 Separating land and buildings
3.3.5 Leases and investment properties
3.4.1 Inception and commencement of the lease
3.4.4 Lease term and non-cancellable period
3.4.5 Interest rate implicit in the lease and incremental borrowing rate
3.4.6.A Residual value guarantors
3.4.7.A Contingent rents and operating leases
3.4.9 Calculation of the implicit interest rate and present value of minimum lease payments