Chapter 31
Income taxes
1.2 Allocation between periods
1.2.1 No provision for deferred tax (‘flow through’)
1.2.2 Provision for deferred tax (the temporary difference approach)
1.3.1 References to income taxes in standards other than IAS 12
2 Objective and Scope of IAS 12
4.2 Withholding and similar taxes
4.5 Effectively tax-free entities
5.1 Enacted or substantively enacted tax legislation
5.1.1 Meaning of substantive enactment in various jurisdictions
5.3 Intra-period allocation, presentation and disclosure
6 Deferred Tax – Tax Bases and Temporary Differences
6.1.3 Assets and liabilities whose tax base is not immediately apparent
6.1.4 Tax base of items not recognised as assets or liabilities in financial statements
6.1.5 Equity items with a tax base
6.1.6 Items with more than one tax base
6.2 Examples of temporary differences
6.2.1 Taxable temporary differences
6.2.1.A Transactions that affect profit or loss
6.2.1.B Transactions that affect the balance sheet
6.2.1.E Business combinations and consolidation
6.2.1.F Foreign currency differences