Chapter 36
Events after the reporting period
2.1 Objective, scope and definitions
2.1.1 Date when financial statements are authorised for issue
2.2 The treatment of adjusting events
2.2.2 Events indicating that the going concern basis is not appropriate
2.3 The treatment of non-adjusting events
2.4 Other disclosure requirements
3.2 Percentage of completion estimates
3.4 Valuation of investment property at fair value and tenant insolvency
3.5 Valuation of investments and fraud
List of examples
Example 36.1: Financial statements required to be approved by shareholders
Example 36.2: Financial statements required to be approved by supervisory board
Example 36.4: Release of financial information before date of authorisation for issue
1 Introduction
IAS 10 – Events after the Reporting Period – deals with accounting for, and disclosure of, events after the reporting period, which are defined as ‘those events, favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the end of the reporting period and the date when the financial statements are authorised for issue’. [IAS 10.3]. Therefore, the definition includes ...