Chapter 47
Financial instruments: Classification (IFRS 9)
2 Classifying Financial Assets: an Overview
3 Classifying Financial Liabilities: an Overview
4 Financial Assets: The ‘Business Model’ Test
4.1 Applying the test to components of an entity
4.2 Impact of sales on the test
4.3 Financial assets (and financial liabilities) held for trading
4.4 Applying the business model test in practice
5 Financial Assets: The ‘Contractual Characteristics’ Test
5.1 Payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding
5.2 Conventional subordination features
5.4 Contractually linked instruments
5.4.1 Assessing the characteristics of the underlying pool
5.4.2 Assessing the exposure to credit risk in the tranche held
6 Designation at Fair Value Through Profit or Loss
6.3 Financial liabilities containing embedded derivatives
7 Designation of Equity Investmensts at Fair Value Through Other Comprehensive Income
8 Reclassification of Financial Assets
9 Effective Date and Transition
9.2.1 Date of initial application