Chapter 48
Financial Instruments: Recognition and Initial Measurement
2.1.1 Receivables and payables
2.1.5 Planned future transactions
2.2 ‘Regular way’ transactions
2.2.2 Settlement date accounting
2.2.2.A Current market practice – ‘due date’ accounting
2.2.3.A Exchanges of non-cash financial assets
3.2.1 Interest-free and low-interest loans
3.2.2 Short-term receivables and payables
3.2.3 Equity instruments reclassified as liabilities following modification of contractual terms
3.2.4 Financial guarantee contracts and off-market loan commitments
3.2.6 Loans and receivables acquired in a business combination
3.5 Embedded derivatives and financial instrument hosts
3.7 Assets and liabilities arising from loan commitments
4 Effective Dates and Transitional Provisions
List of examples
Example 48.1: Trade date and settlement date accounting – regular way purchase
Example 48.2: Trade date and settlement date accounting – regular way sale
Example 48.3: Trade date and settlement date accounting – exchange of non-cash financial assets