Chapter 39Related party disclosures
- 2.1 Objective and scope 3098
- 2.2 Identification of a related party and related party transactions 3099
- 2.2.1 Persons or close members of a person's family that are related parties 3100
- 2.2.2 Entities that are members of the same group 3104
- 2.2.3 Entities that are associates or joint ventures 3105
- 2.2.4 Entities that are joint ventures of the same third party 3107
- 2.2.5 Entities that are joint ventures of a third party and associates of the same third entity 3107
- 2.2.6 Post-employment benefit plans 3108
- 2.2.7 Entities under control or joint control of certain persons or close members of their family 3108
- 2.2.8 Entities under significant influence of certain persons or close members of their family 3109
- 2.2.9 Entities, or any member of the group of which they are a part, that provide key management personnel services 3110
- 2.2.10 Government-related entities 3110
- 2.3 Parties that are not related parties 3111
- 2.4 Disclosure of controlling relationships 3112
- 2.5 Disclosable transactions 3114
- 2.6 Disclosure of key management personnel compensation ...
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