Chapter 11. What’s next? Private equity in the era of deleveraging
Chapter Outline
11.1. Global deleveraging and the future of leveraged finance230
11.2. Ten trends shaping the future of private equity238
11.2.1. Increased equity contributions in leveraged buyouts238
11.2.2. Smaller deals and smaller funds240
11.2.3. Greater emphasis on company strategy and operational improvements241
11.2.4. Growing share of PIPEs and minority deals241
11.2.5. Redefining GP/LP relationships242
11.2.6. A greater role for coinvestments and direct investments243
11.2.7. Emergent economies in a globalized private equity market244
11.2.8. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in private equity investments245
11.2.9. Private equity firms as the new merchant banks245
11.2.10. ...
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