ABS | Asset-Backed Security |
ACA | Angel Capital Association |
ADB | Asian Development Bank |
ADIA | Abu Dhabi Investment Authority |
AICPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants |
AIFM | Alternative Investment Fund Manager |
AIM | Alternative Investment Market |
ARPU | Average Revenue Per User |
ASB | Accounting Standards Board |
ASCRI | Asociacioán Española de Entidades de Capital Riesgo (Spanish Venture Capital Association) |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Nations |
ATN | Access Technology Now |
BBAA | British Business Angels Association |
BCC | Blank Check Company |
BDC | Business Development Company |
BEE | Black Economic Empowerment |
BIMBO | Buy-In Management Buy-Out |
BIS | Business Innovation and Skills |
BRIC | Brazil, Russia, India, and China |
BVCA | British Private Equity and Venture Capital Association |
CAGR | Compound Annual Growth Rate |
CalPERS | California Public Employees’ Retirement System |
CAPM | Capital Asset Pricing Model |
CalSTRS | California State Teachers’ Retirement System |
CDIF | China Direct Investment Fund |
CDO | Collateralized Debt Obligation |
CEE | Central and Eastern Europe |
CfE UK | Capital for Enterprise UK |
CFO | Collateralized Fund Obligation |
CIC | China Investment Corporation |
CIP | Carried Interest Partner |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CLO | Collateralized Loan Obligation |
CNMV | Comisioán Nacional del Mercado de Valores |
COC | Cash-On-Cash return |
COGS | Cost of Goods Sold |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant |
CVC | Corporate Venture Capital |