Getting Started with Appcmd

Appcmd.exe is located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Inetsrv directory. Because this directory is not part of the PATH environment variable by default, you will need to either add it to the PATH or always use the full path to the command to be able to run Appcmd commands. For example, when using the latter, you can always run Appcmd as follows.

%systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\Appcmd list sites

In the commands in the rest of this chapter, we will omit the full path when showing Appcmd commands, assuming that you have either added the Inetsrv directory to the PATH environment variable or will manually add the full path to each command.


To run Appcmd.exe, you will need to either add the Inetsrv directory to the PATH environment ...

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