Extensibility in IIS 7.0
On the Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 team, there is a running joke that every release of IIS has to be a complete rewrite of the previous version. However, when looking at the history of the product, there have been strong reasons behind each of the rewrites. IIS 6.0, which was shipped with Windows Server 2003, was a complete rewrite of Windows XP’s IIS 5.1, in the wake of the infamous CodeRed and Nimbda security exploits that plagued it in the summer of 2001. The rewrite, focused on producing an extremely reliable, fast, and secure Web server, was an overwhelming success—as evidenced by the rock-solid reliability and security track record of IIS 6.0 to date.
IIS 7.0 is again a major rewrite of the Web ...
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