Recognizing the Input/Output and the Arduino 1.0 pinout

The board provides the following I/O pins:

  • 14 digital I/O pins
  • Six PWM (short for Pulse Width Modulation) output pins
  • Six analog input pins

The board is hardware and software pin-compatible with Arduino shields designed for the Arduino Uno R3. The 14 digital I/O pins numbered from 0 to 13 are located in the upper-right corner of the board and they also include the adjacent AREF and GND pins, as in the Arduino Uno R3. The pins configuration is also known as Arduino 1.0 pinout.


Shields are boards that we can plug on top of the Intel Galileo Gen 2 board to extend its capabilities. For example, you can plug a shield that provides two high current motor controllers or a shield that adds an LED matrix. ...

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