We will start our project by creating the ESP32 project, called webserver, with webserver.c as the main program. You can initialize the Wi-Fi service on the ESP32 that we have learned. For a web server with ESP32 API information, we can read the official document at https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/api-reference/protocols/esp_http_server.html.
To build a HTTP request, we will use the httpd_uri_t struct. We can declare the uri_get variable as the httpd_uri_t struct as follows:
httpd_uri_t uri_get = { .uri = "/uri", .method = HTTP_GET, .handler = get_handler, .user_ctx = NULL};
httpd_uri_t.method can be HTTP_GET, HTTP_POST, and HTTP_PUT. We pass our function on httpd_uri_t.handler to process a HTTP ...