IoT Implementation
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Learn about various challenges and solutions
Understand the infrastructure for technology
Understand the infrastructure for communication
Understand various IoT standards
Learn what to know before an IoT implementation, and
Learn through an analysis of a research paper on implementation of
the access point.
The proper implementation of IoT needs an
approach which revolves around the change man-
agement. The first factor to consider for change
management is to find out a critical require-
ment and formulate a vision which can fix the
issue. The second factor is to create a coalition;
it includes seven challenges which IoT project
usually tackles. Other than managing the man-
power for the project, you have to recognize the
fact that these factors consist of the identification
of an executive champion and resolution of those
concerns which stakeholders commonly face.
In order to get support, companies use an executive champion to solve the biggest challenge of
IoT projects: the senior management’s lack of support. If there is no active and strong executive
sponsor, then it is not possible for innovative IT projects to sustain because they cannot get the
required resources, oer a solution which corresponds well with the outdated business goals, or
receives cancellation when the priorities of an organization are reshued. It is necessary to have
an individual who can oer the required output from the initial project phase to its completion.
They also must wield enough power to handle requests which is important for the success of the
project delivery.
The aid of the executive sponsor assists the project success in three ways. At first, the
executive sponsor carries the influence to work with priorities, decide on strategic decisions,
go through issues, and consider risk mitigation—factors which are usually ignored by the sta.
Secondly, the executive sponsor assists in the procurement of the required resources either
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