deployment between the installation of back-end systems and devices. Consequently, these is-
sues balloon up the cost of building and therefore it becomes harder for users to aord home
There was also a home gateway which composed of Ethernet and ZigBee networks for home
applications like air pollutant monitoring. This time the issue stemmed from the fact that the
developed solution was unable to provide adequate support for the conventional access point
functionalities. Hence, while the gateway could exchange commands or sense data between
two devices through the internet, it lacked the capability to oer a mobile device having access
to the internet.
In comparison to the existing gateway, the proposed internet of things access point
incorporates the functionalities and features of an AP and a gateway. As a result, they are
providing full Internet capabilities for handheld devices along with decreasing the energy
consumption and hardware expenses. Through the use of the implemented internet of things
access point, users can remotely, automatically, and intelligently control and manage objects in
their homes via smart phones; no additional payment is needed to establish a connection with
the Internet.
There was one system “Cooperative Carrier Signaling: Harmonizing Coexisting WPAN
and WLAN Devices” ( where a home gateway
was created for UMTS (universal mobile telecommunications system) and ZigBee networks.
Since there is no support for Wi-Fi access, therefore all the sensors which are embedded in the
home automation system use only UMTS for data transmission. However, this implementation
strategy is quite expensive.
There was a mobile app “IoT gadget control on wireless AP at home” (https://ieeexplore. that creates a connection for the existing access point and is com-
patible with the Wi-Fi-based home appliances’ remote controls. This communication is highly
reliant on the Wi-Fi protocol and cannot address the standard communication needs which are
required in the internet of things applications as an extensive list of appliances use Bluetooth,
ZigBee, and other communication protocols.
In one home automation solution “Design and implementation of home automation
system” (, all the devices needed to
apply the settings for the communication function and define the location having the powerful
GSM signals in order to establish connections with other devices. As a consequence, this system
was quite costly while it also suers from certain location limitations.
In one study “IoT gadget control on wireless AP at home” (
ument/6940525), the energy conservation and the local monitoring tasks for healthcare and
biomedical applications were fulfilled with the help of a ZigBee router. Though, it should be
noted that the monitored data is only used when there is a solitary home network and there is a
lack of smart e-home applications for a heterogeneous network.
IoT AP System Architecture
According to this paper, the Wi-Fi and ZigBee protocols have been incorporated in the developed
internet of things access point to ensure the prevention of the signal interference between the
Wi-Fi and ZigBee. This is done by discovering and choosing an idle channel for sending the
command messages. As a consequence, the proposed internet of things access point easily per-
forms the scheduling of the Wi-Fi and ZigBee transmissions and hence is able to prevent signal
interference, thereby getting to create a powerful and eective communication environment.
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