HTTP Commercial Process Module
The remote receives and sends commands to the internet of things access point via the HTTP
standard protocol. Hence, the ZigBee agent needs a web server. While there are many web servers,
for embedded systems, the GoAhead web server is a common choice. The web server is created
along with the device management framework which ensures that users do not have to work
with extra programs for application development supporting XML-RPC protocols and SOAP.
The primary goal of the web server is to oer support for JS (JavaScript) and ASP through
the use of the standard built-in CGI and the general CGI execution to run GoAhead, followed
by storing the files of the web pages on the file system or the ROM. Additionally, since this web
server is open-source in nature, therefore it can be used with a variety of platforms. Hence, it is
easy for the user to spread and edit the code easily.
Emergency Process Module
The ZigBee network’s switch from the power saving mode to the emergency mode is powered
by the Emergency Process Module. While remaining in the emergency mode, a short frame
is utilized by the ZigBee network which helps every device to report their observational data
with the coordinator.
Designing Smart Home
In order to oer control and access services to the remote users, a connection is established
between the IoT AP’s network layer and the ZigBee devices. Hence, a tablet or smartphone can
be used by the remote user for controlling those devices.
The following sections will describe the IoT access point development for a smart home
application. The paper defines two ZigBee devices with configurations; these are the on/o
power switch and the power meter. A simple home net business sells these devices while the
ZigBee alliance certifies them. First, we will discuss the ZigBee device configuration description
for the home automation system. Then we will present the wireless internet protocols and
lastly, we will discuss how the HTTP and UPnP are used for the verification of the ZigBee agent
ZigBee Home Automation Device Configuration
The paper mentions those ZigBee devices which the ZigBee Alliance certified to create the
ZigBee Home Automation Network. The internet of things access point establishes a connec-
tion with the on/o power switch, power meter, and the transceiver.
On/Off Power Switch
The use of this device is to maintain control of the power switch. There are two power switch
sets for the on/o power switch. Interface-wise, it comes with a wire which is tied to a nor-
mal home cable. The same wire can also establish a connection with the electronic device that
requires control. This switch boasts fixed power. Hence, the function is not too dissimilar to the
ZigBee networks’ power meter.
Power Meter
To determine the consumption of power and manoeuver the power switch, you can use the
power meter for the provision of power supplement with electronic devices, it comes with
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