Mobile: It can help you to access the compatibility of mobile platforms like Android and iOS.
Software versions: It is used for the verification of the compatibility between the
various software versions and the IoT software application. Version testing is further
divided into forward and backward testing. The former is used for the verification of
the behavior of the designed IoT software or hardware by using the latest versions of
software or hardware versions. On the other hand backward compatibility is used for
the verification of the behavior of the designed IoT software or hardware by using older
versions of software or hardware versions.
Compatibility testing can be performed via the following two tools.
1. Compatibility of operating systems with virtual desktops: Such a tool is required for the
execution of multiple OS applications which serve as virtual machines. You can connect
as many systems as you want and run the comparison of results.
2. Compatibility of browser testing with BrowserStack: Such a tool is required by IoT
testing for testing the same IoT application with various browsers.
In order to perform compatibility testing, consider the following.
1. At the beginning of compatibility testing, you have to specify all the platforms and
environments which are to be used with your IoT application.
2. Thorough knowledge and understanding of the IoT hardware, software, and platforms is
necessary for the tester to know in order to work around the behavior of the application
while dealing with multiple configurations.
3. Various devices, networks, and platforms should be tested by setting up an appropriate
environment which can determine the performance of the IoT application with various
4. The bugs should be reported so they can be fixed. Perform a re-test for the confirmation
of defect fixing.
Performance Testing
Performance testing makes sure that applications in the IoT infrastructure perform correctly
within the estimated workload. Only the functionality and features of the IoT software are not
important, its usage of resources, time period for creating a response, and reliability are also the
key factors for performance. The testing is not focused on the identification or fixing of buys;
instead, it emphasizes to reduce the performance bottlenecks.
Mainly, performance checking is used to assess three aspects of IoT software.
1. What is the speed of IoT application that is, how rapidly will it create a response?
2. What is the extreme workload which the IoT software can manage?
3. How stable is the IoT application with constantly changing user loads?
Before going further, it is important to understand the need for performance testing.
It is executed to oer meaningful information to the stakeholders in terms of the scalability,
stability, and speed of the IoT application. Additionally, it can oer insights about what are the
steps which can enhance the IoT solution before its public release. Lack of performance testing
can make the IoT software work considerably slower when a lot of users are accessing the IoT
system at the same time. On a similar note, it helps to identify poor usability and irregularities
between dierent OS.
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