security defenses. Subsequently, the eect trickles down to improve the detection of risks and
Military logistics is yet another area where the provision of supplies and goods can
be enhanced via the Internet of Things. Sensors and actuators can be used to monitor all
military-related supplies throughout their entire journey.
Initially, AI was the primary technology behind robots. However, with the arrival of IoT, robots
have become more “connected” and aware of their surroundings. While AI facilitates robot to
sense and perform actions on data, IoT provides that data from dierent sources.
Who has not heard of self-driving cars (also known as “connected cars”)? Many interna-
tional brands are continuously experimenting to aid automobiles with the support for IoT.
These IoT-enabled cars will be able to leverage the power of AI and IoT to transport passengers
from point A to point B with the utmost eciency. Input will be taken from weather and trac
systems to customize routes accordingly.
A few years back, in 2014 to be exact, KUKA collaborated with Microsoft’s Azure IoT
solution to build a large factory with IoT-enabled roots (259) and devices (60,000). The whole
factory relies on automation for the production and manufacturing of automobiles.
An example of automation can be seen via home automation where several devices
collaborate together. For instance, the thermostat gathers the standard settings and preferences of
homeowners and then adjusts its settings according to them. Similarly, toasters can be integrated
16 Internet of Things
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