© Gary D. Knott 2017

Gary D. Knott, Interpreting LISP, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2707-7_29

29. The lispinit File, the linuxenv.h File, and the Makefile File

Gary D. Knott

(1)Civilized Software Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

Below is the lispinit file used by the LISP Interpreter program. This text file contains the definitions of various LISP functions that are part of GOVOL LISP, but which are provided by just “reading” them from this file and establishing them by executing the SETQ expressions given herein rather than hard-coding them into the LISP Interpreter.

/filename: ∼/lisp/lispinit             revision date: October 15, 1988(SETQ APPEND (LAMBDA (X Y) (COND ((EQ X NIL) Y)   ((ATOM X) (CONS X Y))   (T (CONS (CAR X) (APPEND (CDR X) Y)) )) ))(SETQ ...

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