
Unless specified otherwise, use IPython sessions for each exercise.

  1. 2.1 (What does this code do?) Create the variables x = 2 and y = 3, then determine what each of the following statements displays:

    1. print('x =', x)

    2. print('Value of', x, '+', x, 'is', (x + x))

    3. print('x =')

    4. print((x + y), 'x =', (y + x))

  2. 2.2 (What’s wrong with this code?) The following code should read an integer into the variable rating:

    rating = input('Enter an integer rating between 1 and 10')
  3. 2.3 (Fill in the missing code) Replace *** in the following code with a statement that will print a message like 'Congratulations! Your grade of 91 earns you an A in this course'. Your statement should print the value stored in the variable grade:

    if grade >= 90 ...

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