15.1 (Using
to Help Visualize the Digits Dataset) In this chapter, we visualized the Digits dataset’s clusters. To do so, we first used scikit-learn’sTSNE
estimator to reduce the dataset’s 64 features down to two, then plotted the results using Seaborn. Reimplement that example to perform dimensionality reduction using scikit-learn’sPCA
estimator, then graph the results. How do the clusters compare to the diagram you created in the clustering case study?15.2 (Using
to Help Visualize the Iris Dataset) In this chapter, we visualized the Iris dataset’s clusters. To do so, we first used scikit-learn’sPCA
estimator to reduce the dataset’s four features down to two, then plotted the results using Seaborn. Reimplement that example ...
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