Chapter 8
Spatial Analysis Based on Raster Data Processing
____ Open your Fast Facts File.
____ Open the Color Figures file.
Basic Raster Principles and Operations
____ 1. Start ArcCatalog. Make a folder named Raster_Experiments in your
folder. Make a folder connection to that folder. Now make a File Geodatabase named Ras_Expr.gdb inside that folder. Also make sure that the Spatial Analyst extension is turned on (You will also have to turn it on in ArcMap later.)
First, let’s create a tiny, trivial, basic raster to work with. There are several ways to create a raster. We could create a point shapefile, as we did in the project where we mapped the computer terminals, and then convert that to a raster. We will do that in a future project. Another method would be to use the ASCII to Raster tool (in ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > To Raster). This needs a text file, which we will create. (When I say “we” will use a certain tool you have, of course, noted that I make the suggestions and you do the work.)
____ 2. Using a text processor, make a text file as shown in the lines of characters that follow. Call the text file Forty_Two_Cells.txt and save it in the Raster_Experiments folder.
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Minimize, but do not close, ...