Understanding the File Structure for the Exercises
You will be working primarily with two major folders or directories. The first of these folders will be IGIS-Arc. It will contain the data for the exercises. It will start off as, and will remain, a direct copy of the IGIS-Arc folder that is on the DVD in the back of the book. If you are in class, operating off a network, your instructor will probably have put this folder somewhere in the network file structure. If you are using this book on your own, you should load the IGIS-Arc folder that is on the DVD directly onto your local hard drive. In either case, the IGIS-Arc folder should be protected so that changes cannot be made to it.
____ 2. Locate or create the IGIS-Arc folder. It may be in the root folder of a hard drive on your computer, or it may be several levels down in a hierarchy. Whenever it is referred to in this textbook, it will be represented as:
The symbols [___] might represent something as simple as C:\ or it might be a long path such as:
Write the path you will associate with the symbol [___] below:
[___] means _________________________________________________________.
You will use a second folder to store the work that you do. It will be specifically yours; your initials will be made part of the folder name. For example, if your name were John W. Stephenson, the folder would be called IGIS-Arc_JWS. In the next step, you will create this folder.