Converting the Census Data Spreadsheet to dBASEIV Format
____ 6. Whether or not you were able to download the census data, you can do the conversion to ArcGIS formats in the following steps. Use the computer’s operating system to find the file
[___] IGIS-Arc_AUX\DCD\Extracted_Census_Files\output
and copy it to
____ 7. Still in the computer’s operating system, pounce on the dt_dec_2000_sf1_u_data1.xls file. An Excel spreadsheet should open. If not, start Microsoft Excel and go File > Open and choose
Make the spreadsheet full screen. How many rows (expect thousands) are there in the spreadsheet that contain population data?__ ________. That’s how many census blocks there are in the Knoxville CCD. (A CCD is a Census Collection District. In this case, it is a subset of the Knoxville metropolitan area.) What are the five headings of the spreadsheet columns (row 1)? ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________, ____________.
You are mainly interested in the GEO_ID and the P001001 columns. The Geography Identifier is (a part of) the Block Number. The population column cells indicate the number of people living in the block.
____ 8. Click the A1 cell, to make sure the spreadsheet is selected. Choose: File > Save As. Save it in Day_Care_Data, but use the File name Census1.xls. Now Click Save As again, this time saving with the File name Census2.
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