Execute the Python Script
____ 22. Depending on how experienced you are in dealing with outmoded computer techniques, you may need some help with the following. You are going back to the days when computers were directed by typed commands rather than “point-and-click” actions.
Bring up a Command Prompt window, which has a black background and a flashing cursor. (Probably available in Windows with something like Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. The first chore is to point the computer to the correct directory. (Folders used to be called Directories.) You do this with the Change Directory (cd) command. Determine the exact path to the folder that contains the textfile, Gold_Model.py, that you just modified and type cd, then type that path into the command prompt window. For example,
cd C:\IGIS-Arc_YourInitials\Gold_Data
If you have done this correctly, the computer will respond with the name of the folder, followed by the flashing cursor. (If you’ve done it wrong, try again.) Now type the command to list the contents of the folder:
You should see Gold_Model.py. (If not, something hasn’t gone right.)
____ 23. Run the Python script: Type the name of the script:
Gold_Model.py and click Enter. The screen should tell you that execution has begun. Be prepared to wait a minute or three for it to finish. When it does the prompt (the name of the folder) will appear. You can then start ArcCatalog and look at the results. They will, of course, be the same results ...

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