Ubuntu is one of the most famous Linux distributions (and the most used, too), so it’s probably the first one to come to mind among people who are not advanced Linux users. In fact, many people think Linux and Ubuntu are the same thing. This is particularly remarkable because Ubuntu is a relatively recent distribution (only 11 years old as compared to its “parent” distro, Debian, which is 22 years old). Obviously, Ubuntu has done something very well in order to achieve such recognition. I can safely say that when it comes to Linux history, you can divide it into the era before Ubuntu and the one ...
© Jose Dieguez Castro 2016
Jose Dieguez Castro, Introducing Linux Distros, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1392-6_4
4. Ubuntu
Jose Dieguez Castro1
(1)A Coruña, Spain
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