Animating a Particle Effect: Locomotive Steam
You’ll create a spray of steam puffing out of the steam pump on the side of the locomotive that drives the wheels on the model you started creating in Chapter 4, “Beginning Polygonal Modeling,” and Chapter 5, “Modeling with NURBS, Subdivisions, and Deformers.” You’ll use the more detailed locomotive model from Chapter 8, “Introduction to Animation,” and Chapter 9, “More Animation!”
Emitting the nParticles
The first step is to create an emitter to spray from the steam pump and to set up the motion and behavior of the nParticles:
1. In the nDynamics menu, choose nParticles ⇒ Create nParticles. Cloud should still be checked in the Create nParticles menu. If it isn’t, select Cloud, and then choose nParticles ...
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