
Starling natively supports the concepts of buttons. Here is the signature of the Button constructor:

public function Button(upState:Texture, text:String="", downState:Texture=null)

By default, the Button class creates an internal TextField to support labels and the text is centered inside the button. In the following code, we create a simple button out of an embedded bitmap that we use as a skin:


    import flash.display.Bitmap;

    import starling.display.Button;
    import starling.display.Sprite;
    import starling.events.Event;
    import starling.textures.Texture;

    public class Game extends Sprite

        [Embed(source = "../media/textures/button_normal.png")]
        private static const ButtonTexture:Class;

        public function Game()
            addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded);

        private function onAdded (e:Event):void
            // create a Bitmap object out of the embedded image
            var buttonSkin:Bitmap = new ButtonTexture();

            // create a Texture object to feed the Button object
            var texture:Texture = Texture.fromBitmap(buttonSkin);

            // create a button using this skin as up state
            var myButton:Button = new Button(texture, "Play");

            // createa container for the menu (buttons)
            var menuContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();

            // add the button to our container

            // centers the menu
            menuContainer.x = stage.stageWidth - menuContainer.width >> 1;
            menuContainer.y = stage.stageHeight - menuContainer.height >> 1;

            // show the button


Note that we use here the

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