

accumulator, 33

addition instructions

floating point, 313

integer, 103

addition operation, 18

addps instruction, 344

addss instruction, 344

AH register, 34

AL register, 34

and operation, 240

and instruction, 241, 242

application register, 33

argument, 202

arithmetic shift, 251

array, 177


converting to integer, 76, 263

converting to floating point, 326

assembler, 43

atod macro, 76, 77, 263

atow macro, 76, 77

AX register, 34


backward reference, 146

base pointer, 35

based and indexed addressing, 183

basic program execution register, 33

BCD, 24

BH register, 34

binary coded decimal, 24

binary number, 2

convert to decimal, 2

convert to hex, 5

bit, 2

BL register, 34

Boolean variable, 240

borrow, 22

breakpoint, 52

BX register, 34 ...

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