One-Dimensional Isentropic Flow
Many ows that occur in engineering practice can be adequately modeled by assuming
them to be steady, one-dimensional, and isentropic. The equations that describe such
ows will be discussed in this chapter. The applicability of the one-dimensional ow
assumption was discussed in Chapter 2 and will not be discussed further here. An isen-
tropic ow is, of course, an adiabatic ow (a ow in which there is no heat exchange)
in which viscous losses are negligible, i.e., it is an adiabatic frictionless ow. Although
no real ow is entirely isentropic, there are many ows of great practical importance in
which the major portion of the ow can be assumed to be isentropic. For example, in
internal duct ows there are many important cases where the effects of viscosity and
heat transfer are restricted to thin layers adjacent to the walls, i.e., are only important
in the wall boundary layers, and the rest of the ow can be assumed to be isentropic as
indicated in Figure 4.1.
Similarly in external ows, the effects of viscosity and heat transfer can be assumed
to be restricted to the boundary layers, wakes, and shock waves, and the rest of the ow
can be treated with adequate accuracy by assuming it to be isentropic as indicated in
Figure 4.2.
Even when nonisentropic effects become important, it is often possible to calculate the
ow by assuming it to be isentropic and to then apply an empirical correction factor to
the solution so obtained to account for the nonisentropic effects. This approach has been
frequently adopted in the past, for example, in the design of nozzles.
Governing Equations
By denition, the entropy remains constant in an isentropic ow. Using this fact, it was
shown in Chapter 2 that in such a ow:
aconstant (4.1)