Normal Shock Waves
Shock Waves
It has been found experimentally that, under some circumstances, it is possible for an
almost spontaneous change to occur in a ow, with the velocity decreasing and the pres-
sure increasing through this region of sharp change. The possibility that such a change
can actually occur follows from the analysis given below. It has been found experimen-
tally, and it also follows from the analysis given below, that such regions of sharp change
can only occur if the initial ow is supersonic. The extremely thin region in which the
transition from the initial supersonic velocity, relatively low-pressure state to the state that
involves a relatively low velocity and high pressure is termed a shock wave. The changes
that occur through a normal shock wave, i.e., a shock wave that is straight and at right
angles to the ow direction, are shown in Figure 5.1. A photograph of a normal shock wave
is shown in Figure 5.2.
A shock wave is extremely thin, usually only a few mean free paths thick. A shock wave
is analogous in many ways to a “hydraulic jump,” which occurs in free-surface liquid
ows (shown schematically in Figure 5.3). A hydraulic jump occurs, for example, in the
ow downstream of a weir.
A shock wave is, in general, curved. However, many shock waves that occur in practi-
cal situations are straight, being either at right angles (i.e., normal) to or at an angle to the
upstream ow (see Figure 5.4). A straight shock wave that is at right angles to the upstream
ow is, as noted above, termed a normal shock wave, whereas a straight shock wave that
is at an angle to the upstream ow is termed an oblique shock wave.
In the case of a normal shock wave, the velocities both ahead (i.e., upstream) of the shock
and after (i.e., downstream) of the shock wave are at right angles to the shock wave. In the
case of an oblique shock wave, there is a change in ow direction across the shock. This is
illustrated in Figure 5.5.
A complete shock wave may be effectively normal in part of the ow, curved in other
parts of the ow, and effectively oblique in other parts of the ow, as shown in Figure 5.6.
Because of its own importance and because, as will be shown later, the oblique shock
relations can be deduced from those for a normal shock wave, the normal shock wave will
be considered rst, such waves being the subject of this chapter. Oblique shock waves will
then be discussed in the next chapter. Curved shock waves are relatively difcult to ana-
lyze and they will not be discussed in detail in this book.
Normal shock waves occur in a number of practical situations such as, for example, in
the intakes to the engines in some supersonic aircraft, in the exhaust system of recipro-
cating engines, in long distance gas pipelines, and in mine shafts as a result of the use of