Low-Density Flows
It has been assumed in all of the preceding discussion in this book that the gas behaves as a
continuum, i.e., that the molecular nature of the gas does not have to be considered in ana-
lyzing the ow of the gas. However, it may not be possible to use this continuum assumption
in the analysis of the ow when the density of the gas is very low. Flows in which the density
is so low that noncontinuum effects become important are often termed “rareed gas ows.”
The conditions under which noncontinuum effects become important and the nature
of the changes in the ow produced by these effects is the subject of this chapter.
Noncontinuum effects can have an important inuence on the ow over craft operating
at high altitudes at high Mach numbers. They can also have an important inuence on
the ow in high vacuum systems. However, because this book is intended to give a broad
introduction to compressible uid ows, no more than a very brief introduction to the
topic of noncontinuum effects will be given here despite their signicant practical impor-
tance in a number of situations.
Knudsen Number
A gas can be assumed to behave as a continuum if the mean free path, i.e., the average
distance that a molecule moves before colliding with another molecule, λ, is small com-
pared with the signicant characteristic length, L, of the ow system. The ratio of λ/L is, of
course, dimensionless and is called the Knudsen number, Kn, i.e.,
To relate the Knudsen number to the dimensionless parameters used elsewhere in the
study of compressible ows, it is convenient to be able to relate the coefcient of viscos-
ity to the mean free path. To do this, consider three layers distance λ apart in the ow as
shown in Figure 13.1.
Because molecules arriving at plane A shown in Figure 13.1 from plane B have not col-
lided with any other molecules over the distance λ, they arrive with an excess mean veloc-
ity of λ ∂u/∂y. Similarly, molecules arriving at plane A from plane C arrive with a mean
velocity decit of λ ∂u/∂y. When the molecules from planes B and C arrive at plane A, they