!= operator
overloading, 270
string not equal, 23
** exponentiation operator, 17, 34
* operator
list repetition, 28
overloading, 270
in regular expression, 411, 413
+= increment operator, 141
+ operator
list concatenation, 28
overloading, 270
in regular expression, 411, 413
- operator
negation unary operator, 34
overloading, 270
subtraction binary operator, 16, 34
.. parent folder, 111
. regular expression operator, 411, 413
/ operator
overloading, 270
= operator
number less than or equal, 19, 34
overloading, 270
SQL less than or equal, 435
≪≫ SQL not equal operator, 435
≫ operator
overloading, 270
SQL less than, 435
string less than, 23
== operator
string equal, 23
versus = assignment operator, 22
= SQL equal operator, 435
= assignment statement, 12, 20–22, 75–79
multiple assignment, 79
simultaneous assignment, 79
versus == equal operator, 22
>= operator
number greater than or equal, 19, 34
overloading, 270
SQL greater than or equal, 435
> operator
overloading, 270
SQL greater than, 435 ...
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