A.7 Examples for Chapter 9

Example 22

Suppose you need to find a large random prime of 50 digits. Here is one way. The function NextPrime[x] finds the next prime greater than x. The function Random[Integer,{a,b}] gives a random integer between a and b. Combining these, we can find a prime:

In[1]:= NextPrime[Random[Integer, {10aˆ49, 10aˆ50 }]]

Out[1]= 73050570031667109175215303340488313456708913284291

If we repeat this procedure, we should get another prime:

In[2]:= NextPrime[Random[Integer, {10aˆ49, 10aˆ50 }]]

Out[2]= 97476407694931303255724326040586144145341054568331

Example 23

Suppose you want to change the text hellohowareyou to numbers:

In[3]:= txt2num1["hellohowareyou"]

Out[3]= 805121215081523011805251521

Note that we are now using ...

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