Cabinet, design of, 30–32
Calculus concepts, 89–103
concept of necessary and sufficient conditions, 102–103
example—calculation of gradient vector, 91
example—evaluation of gradient and Hessian of function, 92–93
example—linear Taylor’s expansion of function, 95–96
example—Taylor’s expansion of a function of one variable, 94
example—Taylor’s expansion of a function of two variables, 95
gradient vector, 90–91
Hessian matrix, 92–93
quadratic forms and definite matrices, 96–102
Taylor’s expansion, 93–96
Can, design of, 18–20
Canonical form/general solution of Ax. = b, 202–203
Capabilities, desired interactive, 448–450
Cash flow diagrams, 594
Changing constraint limits, effect of, 143–145
Chromosome defined, 532
Clustering methods, ...

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