© Brendan Choi 2021
B. ChoiIntroduction to Python Network Automationhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6806-3_15

15. Python Network Automation Labs: cron and SNMPv3

Brendan Choi1  
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Eventually, you want to learn Python so you can write code to automate mundane tasks at work. After writing your code and developing your scripted application, you will want to run the scripts without you being in attendance. There is the Windows Task Scheduler on Windows systems, and on Linux, you have cron to help you schedule your script to run at 2 a.m. or to run periodically until you tell your Linux system to stop. You can write and schedule scripts to run automatically once you get comfortable with Python and Linux. You will also want to ...

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