
Adaptive Kalman filter 216225

Allan variance 326, 354356

Andrews, A.P. 207, 212

Autocorrelation function 6568

from experimental data 9095

Autocovariance function 65

Average 1516

Bandlimited systems 110111

Bandlimited white noise 7677

Bar-Shalom, Y. 217

Bayes rule 11

continuous 25

Bayesian filter, general 237242

Bayesian filter, flow diagram 242

Bierman, G.J. 194, 196

Binary Offset Code (BOC) code 8889

Bivariate normal random variable 24

Black, H.S. 95

Blair, W.D. 217

Bona, B.E. 151

Bozic, S.M. 205

Brownian motion process 8386, 148149

Bucy, R.S. 371

Butterworth filter 133

Caputi, M.J. 217

Central limit theorem 31

Centralized Kalman filter 231

Characteristic function 14, 1718, 101

Chi-square probability density 55

Cholesky factorization 129

Communication link ranging and timing 345348

Complementary filter 290298

error-state filter 291, 294296

go-free Monte Carlo simulation example 298303

intuitive filter 292293

total-state filter 291, 296298

Wiener two-input problem 290

Conditional probability 712

Continuous Kalman filter 371378

error covariance equation 374

estimate equation 374

Kalman gain 373

Riccati equation 375378

Continuous random variables 1314

Continuous-time model 121122

Convergence in probability 46

Convergence in the mean 45

Correlated process and measurement noise 226228

Correlation 2628

Correlation coefficient 27

Covariance 2628

Covariance stationary 68

Craps 8, 47

Cribbage 47

Crosscorrelation function 6870

Davenport, Jr., W.B. 46

Decentralized ...

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