Introduction to the IBM Application Development Tools on z/OS and OS/390

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication describes the IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390 and includes scenarios that show how to use the tools to recognize, locate, and fix errors in application programs.

Part 1 describes the five program products that make up the suite and product integration :
-> IBM Fault Analyzer
-> IBM File Manager
-> IBM Debug Tool
-> IBM Application Monitor
-> IBM Workload Simulator.

Part 2 walks you through detailed scenarios that demonstrate how the tools can be used in a practical, day-to-day manner.

Part 3 contains code samples, reports and listings, and examples that are too large to include in the chapters.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: The IBM Application Development Tools for z/OS and OS/390
    1. Chapter 1: Application development tools for z/OS and OS/390
      1. General background
      2. Products used during the making of this redbook
      3. IBM Fault Analyzer
        1. Fault history file
        2. Supported languages
        3. Product requirements
        4. User exits
        5. Latest software update
      4. IBM File Manager
        1. Three features
        2. Online processing
        3. Enhanced batch processing
        4. Latest software upgrades
      5. IBM Debug Tool
        1. Full-screen debugging
        2. Debugging tasks
        3. Recently available features
      6. Application Monitor
        1. Overview
        2. Functions
        3. Interface
      7. Workload Simulator
        1. Simulated resources
        2. Physical and logical configurations
        3. Scripts
        4. WSim output
        5. WSim Test Manager
      8. Summary
    2. Chapter 2: Introducing File Manager
      1. Start by validating your software levels
        1. PTF information
      2. Useful examples of how to use File Manager (1/5)
      3. Useful examples of how to use File Manager (2/5)
      4. Useful examples of how to use File Manager (3/5)
      5. Useful examples of how to use File Manager (4/5)
      6. Useful examples of how to use File Manager (5/5)
        1. Conventions used
        2. How to perform a global find and replace in a PDS
        3. How to create one VSAM file using another as a model
        4. How to initialize a VSAM file with low-value records
        5. How to split a single file into constituent record types
      7. Useful batch utilities (1/2)
      8. Useful batch utilities (2/2)
        1. Replace a string in a specific location in a file
        2. Copy selected variably blocked records to another file
        3. Search for a string in all members of a PDS
      9. Template processing (1/3)
      10. Template processing (2/3)
      11. Template processing (3/3)
        1. It really does remember the copybook
        2. How to process COPY REPLACING statements
        3. How to build a template for multi-record file layouts
        4. System programmer notes
        5. Look out for your PF keys
        6. How to quickly locate a record in browse
        7. What to do when a copybook fails to compile
        8. Record structure defined in source application program
        9. Watch out for that bad disposition
      12. Copybook and include
      13. Product updates (1/6)
      14. Product updates (2/6)
      15. Product updates (3/6)
      16. Product updates (4/6)
      17. Product updates (5/6)
      18. Product updates (6/6)
        1. Multiple Find with Version 3
        2. QSAM allocation using a model
        3. Work with VTOC
        4. Get information about a load module
        5. Dynamic template
        6. Compare data sets using templates
        7. Edit related tables
        8. Load IMS database
    3. Chapter 3: Introduction to Debug Tool and Debug Tool Utilities and Advanced Functions V3.1
      1. Start by validating your software levels
        1. APAR information
      2. What you need to prepare your application program
        1. A description of the TEST compile option
        2. Required files
        3. Link-edit options
        4. Defining run-time options using CEEUOPT
        5. Sample batch compile job
        6. Compile and link your program by using Debug Tool utilities
        7. Summary
      3. What are the Debug Tool user interfaces
        1. Batch mode user interface
        2. Main frame interface (MFI)
        3. Remote debugger interface
        4. Summary
      4. What it takes to debug your application program (1/5)
      5. What it takes to debug your application program (2/5)
      6. What it takes to debug your application program (3/5)
      7. What it takes to debug your application program (4/5)
      8. What it takes to debug your application program (5/5)
        1. A description of the TEST run-time option
        2. How to determine your site’s run-time options
        3. What else is required
        4. Debug Tool's supporting files
        5. Batch invocation
        6. Testing an application in TSO
        7. Testing an application using DTSU
        8. Testing multiple step batch applications
        9. DB2 application program considerations
        10. DB2 stored procedures considerations
        11. IMS application program considerations
        12. CICS application program considerations
        13. Unix System Services programs considerations
      9. The primary interface for Debug Tool (1/2)
      10. The primary interface for Debug Tool (2/2)
        1. Review of screen areas
        2. Descriptions of frequently used commands
        3. Descriptions of some interesting commands
        4. Finishing a Debug Tool session
        5. Recording how many times each source line runs
      11. New features of Debug Tool
        1. Playback support (COBOL)
        2. Automonitor support
        3. Support for optimized code (COBOL)
        4. Enhancements for TSO allocation commands
        5. Assembler support
      12. Dynamic Debug and separate debug file
        1. Dynamic Debug
        2. Separate debug file
        3. Advantages
        4. How this helps application programmers
      13. Making debugging more comfortable (1/2)
      14. Making debugging more comfortable (2/2)
        1. INSPSAFE
        2. INSPPREF
        3. INSPCMD
        4. INSPLOG
        5. Copy into the command line
        6. What if I forgot the correct command syntax
      15. Hints and tips
        1. I only have 12 PF keys
        2. Pitfalls
        3. Systems programmer notes
        4. Customer concerns
        5. How to point to a debug file or listing
    4. Chapter 4: Introduction to Debug Tool Coverage Utility
      1. Start by validating your software levels
      2. Overview
        1. What does DTCU require
        2. Running DTCU consists of the following steps
      3. Using DTCU (1/3)
      4. Using DTCU (2/3)
      5. Using DTCU (3/3)
        1. Starting the DTCU ISPF dialog
        2. Modifying your DTCU defaults
        3. Compiling the program to be measured
        4. Setting up your control file
        5. Create the setup JCL
        6. Create JCL to start a monitor session
        7. Create JCL for a report
        8. What did we generate up to now
        9. Perform the setup step
        10. Perform the link step
        11. Start the monitor session
        12. Start your program
        13. Display statistics online
        14. Stop the monitor
        15. Create the summary report
        16. Create the summary report and annotated listing report
        17. Use of the monitor panel
        18. Fast Path
      6. Restrictions
        1. CICS
        2. Other environments
        3. Unix System Services
      7. Installation
        1. Systems programmer notes
    5. Chapter 5: How to compile old COBOL
      1. Start by validating your software levels
      2. Overview
        1. What do the conversion tools need
        2. What steps are required
      3. Setting up for convert and compile (1/2)
      4. Setting up for convert and compile (2/2)
        1. Define your global options
        2. COBOL convert and compile option
        3. Convert old 68/74 COBOL to 85 COBOL
      5. Summary
    6. Chapter 6: Introduction to Fault Analyzer
      1. Start by validating your software levels
        1. PTF information
      2. How Fault Analyzer works
        1. The fault history file
        2. Supported application environments
        3. A summary of real-time analysis
      3. Preparing your programs for Fault Analyzer
        1. Compiler options
        2. What is a side file
        3. How to create a side file
      4. Using FA to re-analyze an abend (1/2)
      5. Using FA to re-analyze an abend (2/2)
        1. Interactive re-analysis
        2. Synopsis section
        3. Point-of-failure section
        4. Events section
        5. System-wide information section
        6. Batch re-analysis
        7. Specifying listings to Fault Analyzer in re-analysis
      6. Using FA to analyze CICS system dumps (1/2)
      7. Using FA to analyze CICS system dumps (2/2)
        1. How to select a system dump data set for FA analysis
        2. Analyzing a CICS system dump
      8. How to set up and customize Fault Analyzer
        1. Invocation exits
        2. CICS set-up
        3. Batch set-up
        4. User exits
      9. Options available to customize Fault Analyzer
        1. How to specify these options
        2. Order of precedence
        3. User-options file (IDIOPTS)
      10. Hints and tips (1/2)
      11. Hints and tips (2/2)
        1. Systems programmer notes
        2. Place abends in different fault history file
        3. Send a notification when a program abends
        4. Send an e-mail when a program abends
    7. Chapter 7: Introducing Application Monitor
      1. Special notices
      2. Check the installation
        1. Check the defaults
        2. Monitoring a job using Application Monitor online
        3. Monitoring a job in absentia
        4. Batch analysis of a recorded session
      3. DB2 support (1/3)
      4. DB2 support (2/3)
      5. DB2 support (3/3)
        1. Using the IVP sample
        2. Using SPUFI
        3. Using File Manager DB2
        4. Results in Application Monitor
        5. Explain and plan
      6. CICS Support in Version 1.1 with PTF
    8. Chapter 8: Introduction to Workload Simulator
      1. Overview
        1. General process
        2. WSim installation
        3. Resources WSim can simulate
        4. Testing with WSim
      2. System configuration
        1. Physical configurations
        2. Logical configurations
      3. Script preparation (1/2)
      4. Script preparation (2/2)
        1. Network definition statements
        2. Message generation decks
        3. Methods for message generation decks creation
        4. Testing scripts
      5. WSim output
      6. Operating WSim
        1. Initializing, starting, and stopping a network
        2. Changing and resetting network parameters
      7. WSim Test Manager (1/9)
      8. WSim Test Manager (2/9)
      9. WSim Test Manager (3/9)
      10. WSim Test Manager (4/9)
      11. WSim Test Manager (5/9)
      12. WSim Test Manager (6/9)
      13. WSim Test Manager (7/9)
      14. WSim Test Manager (8/9)
      15. WSim Test Manager (9/9)
        1. WTM operating modes
        2. WTM utilities
        3. Testcases
        4. Testgroups and testcycles
        5. Schedules
        6. Output reports
        7. Model scripts
    9. Chapter 9: Implementing the tools in your environment
      1. File Manager components
        1. Templates
        2. File associations
        3. Steps toward integration
      2. Debug Tool components
        1. Load modules
        2. Listings
        3. Side files
        4. Source files
        5. Steps toward integration for COBOL
        6. Steps toward integration for VisualAge PL/I and C/C++
      3. Fault Analyzer components (1/2)
      4. Fault Analyzer components (2/2)
        1. Listings
        2. Side files
        3. Output file size comparison
        4. Steps toward integration
        5. Summary
      5. Application Monitor components
      6. Workload Simulator components
      7. Common ground
  4. Part 2: Scenarios using the AD tools
    1. Chapter 10: Introduction to the scenarios
      1. Scenarios overview
        1. Overview of the programs
        2. S/390 software prerequisites
      2. Install the application software (1/2)
      3. Install the application software (2/2)
        1. Install the demo files
        2. Copy the demo files to your user ID
        3. Set up the applications
      4. About the system configuration
        1. About the S/390 software prerequisites
        2. About the CICS configuration
        3. About the DB2 configuration
        4. About the IMS configuration
      5. Validate the installation
    2. Chapter 11: Guided tour of the Trader application
      1. Getting started
      2. Trader application in CICS
        1. Log on to the application
        2. Running the Trader application
        3. Obtain real-time quotes
        4. Buy shares
        5. Sell shares
      3. Running the Trader application in batch
        1. Run the batch job
        2. Check the result
    3. Chapter 12: Scenario 1: Invalid VSAM data generating an abend
      1. Set up the components
        1. CICS components
        2. Program products
      2. Tracking an abend in the application (1/4)
      3. Tracking an abend in the application (2/4)
      4. Tracking an abend in the application (3/4)
      5. Tracking an abend in the application (4/4)
        1. Viewing the abend in Debug Tool
        2. Viewing the abend in Fault Analyzer
        3. Initiating interactive re-analysis for the abend
        4. Using File Manager to correct a problem with data
        5. Running the application after the fix
      6. Summary of Scenario 1
    4. Chapter 13: Scenario 2: Using Debug Tool
      1. Set up the components
        1. Batch components
        2. Program products
      2. Walkthrough of the batch Trader application
        1. The Trader batch job
        2. The transaction file
        3. Listing shares
        4. Buying shares
        5. Selling shares
      3. Tracking a problem with the application (1/4)
      4. Tracking a problem with the application (2/4)
      5. Tracking a problem with the application (3/4)
      6. Tracking a problem with the application (4/4)
        1. Using Debug Tool in batch mode to try to find the error
        2. Using Debug Tool in DTSU to pin-point the solution
        3. Executing the batch application after the fix
      7. Summary of scenario 2
    5. Chapter 14: Scenario 3: Is the error in DB2 data or program logic
      1. Set up the components
        1. CICS and DB2 components
        2. Program products
      2. Tracking a problem in the application (1/3)
      3. Tracking a problem in the application (2/3)
      4. Tracking a problem in the application (3/3)
        1. Recreating the error
        2. Viewing the data in File Manager/DB2
        3. Using Debug Tool to identify the logic problem
        4. Using File Manager/DB2 to correct the data
      5. Summary of Scenario 3
    6. Chapter 15: Scenario 4: Workload Simulator and Application Monitor
      1. Set up the components
      2. Creating the simulation test items
      3. Running the simulation
      4. Simulation output (1/2)
      5. Simulation output (2/2)
      6. Report for TDB2 transaction
      7. CICS monitoring
        1. Single user
        2. Monitoring the simulation
      8. Job monitoring (1/2)
      9. Job monitoring (2/2)
        1. Monitoring the simulation
  5. Part 3: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: Supporting information
      1. Fault Analyzer notification user exit
      2. File Manager ISPF panel modifications
      3. File Manager batch job to process multi-record file
      4. Language Environment run-time options report
      5. Convert multiple sequential files to members of a PDS
      6. Components of the Trader application
    2. Appendix B: Database generation samples
      1. File Manager DB2 IVP databases installation (1/2)
      2. File Manager DB2 IVP databases installation (2/2)
      3. File Manager IMS IVP databases installation (1/3)
      4. File Manager IMS IVP databases installation (2/3)
      5. File Manager IMS IVP databases installation (3/3)
    3. Appendix C: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
      3. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      4. How to use the Web material
  6. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
      1. Other resources
    2. Referenced Web sites
    3. How to get IBM Redbooks
      1. IBM Redbooks collections
  7. Index (1/3)
  8. Index (2/3)
  9. Index (3/3)
  10. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Introduction to the IBM Application Development Tools on z/OS and OS/390
  • Author(s): Joe DeCarlo, Sylvie Delahaye, Sergei Litvak, Wilfried Van Hecke
  • Release date: December 2002
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None