Chapter 2
Case Initiation
“I will not prosecute that individual because the dollar loss is not high enough.”
—Government prosecutor
After a preliminary (short-term) inquiry/investigation is completed, a decision must be made to open or not to open an official (longer-term) investigation. Sometimes matters can be referred to other investigative agencies/officials for their own joint or sole consideration. In large organizations, the chief of investigations (or similar title) or subordinates often make case initiation decisions. Usually, but not always, those decision makers were selected to serve in those positions because they previously demonstrated their success on the job over an extended period of time. Often those individuals have served within the same or similar organization for several years. However, it has been proven all too often that some of those decision makers really don't belong in those positions.
War Story 2.1
During my 30-plus years in law enforcement, I worked for some of the best and most dedicated supervisors on the planet. I also worked for some of the worst and most pathetic supervisors, some of whom in my opinion couldn't find feces in a diarrhea factory.
The good supervisors had some common characteristics: They knew their jobs and the investigators' jobs very well; knew how to manage caseloads, time, and resources; were good planners; cared about the welfare of their subordinates; disciplined employees as needed and rewarded employees' good work; understood ...
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