Chapter 3

Establishing Your Investment Strategy


check Discovering the basics of market cycles

check Seeing whether your skills and goals match the market

check Selecting your property type

check Assembling your advisers and support team

People can talk as much as they like about making money in real estate, but the proof is in the doing. And to do it right, you need a strategy. This chapter discusses the importance of understanding market cycles, setting investment goals, and identifying the properties that can help you achieve them. It also covers the need for a group of trusted advisers to guide and direct you as you make the choices that will help you reach (hopefully) your investment goals.

Remember Take time to research and develop your investment strategy, independently and in consultation with your advisers. (Don’t have advisers yet? Don’t worry — you get help with that in this chapter, too.) The topics in this chapter help you build your strategy, but the outcomes will reflect your own unique ...

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