Chapter 16

Ten Things to Know about Investing Resources


check Checking out investing resources online and in the news

check Knowing what to beware of and watch out for

check Turning to recommended resources

Everywhere you look or listen, you’ll find plenty — and I mean plenty — of investing opinions and advice. Some of it may be great information but not a good fit for you. Much of it is mediocre or downright awful, biased, uninformed, and misleading.

In this chapter, I highlight ten important things you should know and do to evaluate investing resources and get the best and right information for you.

Get Educated to Discern the Best from the Rest

With the tremendous increase in the coverage of investing, more and more “journalists” and self-anointed experts are writing about increasingly technical issues — often in areas in which they have little or even no expertise. (This type of reporting is true in traditional print publications but especially so online.) Some writers provide good information and advice. Unfortunately, many others dish out bad, biased, and/or mediocre advice.

How can you know what information is good and who you can trust? Although I suggest my favorite resources ...

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