
Abagnale, Frank, 158

Academics, advice from, 7980

Actively managed funds. See also Mutual funds

age of, 107

cash inflows and outflows, 109

cash position, 109110

costs, 107108

fund size, 106

hedging, 107

vs. index funds, 104

management ability, 106107

selection, history of, 108110

selection criteria, 105108

selection simplification, 104105

style- or industry-specific, 106107

Aden, Mary Anne and Pamela, 225

Adjustable-rate bonds, 41

Advice. See also Investing professionals

Advisor fees, 44

Advisor recommendations, 161162

caution in taking, 8083

from academics, 7980

from experts, 186188

guidelines for taking, 7780

independent financial advisors, 164165

knowing pros and cons, 85

perma bulls and bears, 88

selling, 9596

and time horizons, 8385

unusable, 9093

Advisor fees, 44

Advisor recommendations, 161162

Affinity frauds, 9394

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (Bernstein), 62

Age of fund, 107

Ailes, Roger, 68

All About Asset Allocation (Ferri), 17

American Association of Individual Investors (IIAA), 96

American Century LIVESTRONG Funds, 147, 149

American Century One Choice Funds, 150

American Gaming Association, 197

American Planning Group, 170

Ameritor Funds, 4344

Anchoring, 195197

Annals of Gullibility: Why We Get Duped and How to Avoid It (Greenspan), 157


fixed, 41

immediate annuity without refund, 256

Arledge, Roone, 250, 252

Arnott, Rob, 117

Art collecting, 236238

The Art of Asset Allocation (Darst), 17

Asset allocation, xiv

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