Chapter 16
Displaying Events Using a Page View Controller
In This Chapter
Displaying HTML pages in a Web view
Creating page transitions with a UIPageViewController
Understanding how Page View controllers work and implementing page turns
After you have finished this chapter, when the user selects Events from the Master view in the RoadTrip application, he or she will come face-to-face with a series of pages that describes the latest activities happening at his destination. In this chapter, I’ll show you how to use a feature, first introduced in iOS 5, that will allow you to create a view controller that enables a user to “turn event pages” in the same way as he or she can in an iBook.
You will also find out how to use a Web view again to display data, but this time you will download an HTML page stored on my website, rather than download a website itself.
The best part of what you discover in this chapter is page-turn transitions. These transitions are implemented by Apple’s UIPageViewController
class — a new container view controller (first provided in iOS 5) that creates page-turn transitions between view controllers. Just as a Navigation controller animates the transitions between, ...
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