How to do it...

  1. Open our previous demo, and get ready to build a UI screen to display a list of contacts that we will fetch from a server.
  2. Open Main.storyboard and remove the connect button from the screen. While selecting the first view controller, go to Edit | Embed In | Navigation Controller.
  3. Change the title of the navigation bar on the first screen to Contacts.
  4. From Object Library in the left-hand side panel, drag a UITableView and place it on screen, with full width and height. Add constraints to the table view, as follows:
      TableView.Trailing = Superview.Trailing       TableView.Leading = Superview.Leading       TableView.Top = Superview.Top       TableView.Bottom = Superview.Bottom 
  1. Drag a UITableViewCell and place it on the table view. Change ...

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