How to do it...

  1. Open the storyboard file in the demo project. Select the initial view controller and click on Editor | Embed In | Navigation Controller.
  2. Change the title of the navigation bar to Add Reminder.
  3. Add a text field at the top of the screen to act as a title for the reminder.
  4. Then, add a text view below the text field so that the user can enter a body for the reminder.
  5. Below the text view, add a date picker so that the user can choose the date and time of the reminder.
  6. Add a navigation bar button at the right to add the reminder when the user clicks on it.
  7. Add IBOutlets and IBActions to the UI components, as follows:
 @IBOutlet weak var titleTextField: UITextField! @IBOutlet weak var reminderDatePicker: UIDatePicker! @IBOutlet ...

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