A | |
AAL5 | ATM Adaptation Layer 5 |
ABR | Area Border Routers |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line |
AF | Assured Forwarding |
APS | Automatic Protection Switching |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARSVP | Aggregate RSVP |
AS | Autonomous System |
ASBR | AS Boundary Routers |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
B | |
BA | Behavior Aggregate |
BA | Bandwidth Allocator |
BC | Bandwidth Constraints |
BDI | Backward Defect Indication |
BDR | Backup Designated Router |
BE | Best Effort |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
BK | Background |
BM | Bandwidth Manager |
BP | Provider Bridge |
BPDU | Bridge Protocol Data Units |
C | |
CAC | Connection Admission Control |
CBS | Committed Burst Size |
CE | Congestion Experienced |
CIR | Committed Information Rate |
CIST | Common and Internal Spanning Tree |
CL | Controlled Load |
CS | Class Selectors |
CSPF | Constraint-based Shortest Path First |
CST | Common Spanning Tree |
CT | Class Type |
CV | Connectivity Verification |
C-VLAN | Customer VLAN |
CWR | Congestion Window Reduced |
D | |
DBA | Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation |
DBR | Dynamic Bandwidth Report |
DCCP | Datagram Congestion Control Protocol |
DEI | Drop Eligible Indicator |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier |
DNS | Domain Name System |
DR | Designated Router |
DRR | Deficit Round Robin |
DS | DiffServ |
DSBM | Designated SBM |
DSCP | DiffServ Code Point |
DS-TE | DiffServ – Traffic Engineering |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing |
E | |
EBS | Excess Burst Size |
ECE ... |
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