
Slate-style computers have been around for a few years, but it took Apple to make them catch on with the general public in a big way when it introduced the iPad. This small wonder, which weighs less than a pound-and-a-half, has sold millions of units in its first year for good reason: It’s well designed and feature rich, and it opens up a world of apps and media viewing in a highly portable format.

About This Book

iPad All-in-One For Dummies, 4th Edition, has one aim: to be the ultimate reference on the coolest digital device of the day. If you’re reasonably computer savvy, you can use this book to get up to speed quickly the day you buy your iPad, and then you can pick up the book again any time you feel like taking your knowledge of the iPad to the next level. Even if you’ve been puttering with your iPad for a while, you’ll still find things between these covers that you didn’t know existed.

Though the iPad is relatively simple to use, a lot is packed in there, and you can get even more from it by downloading apps to do seemingly everything under the sun. The book approaches the iPad from every angle: from the basics to powerful road-warrior tools and from productivity apps to ultracool games and media.

You can read step-by-step instructions for basic tasks, hot tips for getting the most out of iPad, and reviews of apps, to steer you to the best of the best.

How This Book Is Organized

This book consists of easily read chunks of chapters that are organized into ...

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