Chapter 3: Keeping On Schedule with Calendar
In This Chapter
Viewing your calendar
Adding and repeating calendar events
Working with, searching, and sharing calendars
Deleting events
Sharing calendars with other devices
Most people have busy lives full of activities that aren’t always easy to keep straight. You may need a way to keep on top of all those work-related and personal activities and appointments. The Calendar app on the iPad is a simple, elegant, electronic daybook that helps you do just that.
In addition to being able to enter events and view them by the day, week, month, or year, you can set up Calendar to provide alerts to remind you of your obligations, and you can search for events by keyword. You can also set up repeating events, such as the weekly staff meeting, a regular social get-together, or monthly flea treatments for your cat. And, given that you probably have calendars on your computer and mobile phone, you’ll be happy to hear that you can sync your iPad calendar ...